7CAPITAL Resource Center provides some useful spreadsheets to help you in understanding your personal finance. This mind map tool provide direction and could lead you to spreadsheets that might be applicable to your situation. Side by side, explanation notes & illustrations, which is linked within my blog, helps to explain certain financial planning concepts. Hence, this would lead you to understand your current personal financial situation so that you could arrive your ultimate financial destination "safe & sound'. The available tools would determine
how you are going to achieve your financial goal. BTW, going through the financial planning process required your conscious discipline, as my coach once told me, "
Hock Beng, we can't build muscles by lifting feathers."
Do come back for more as I would be updating this mind map as whenever new stuffs (tools, applications, illustrations, templates) are ready and available for your references.
I hope that this reference would truly be a helpful resource for your personal financial well-being.
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mind maps at MindMeister