Saturday, September 8, 2012

Smart Kids need Smart Parents

Yes, indeed, smart kids need smart parents.

University Funding Analysis
The competition for places at institutions of higher learning has become more intense over the last decade. The costs have also gone up. Increasingly, the answer for many parents is to start saving and investing early so that they will be able to get the lump sum needed to finance their children's education. The benefits are clear. Saving early and often will help you to put aside less every month. Moreover by investing early, you will see your investments outpace inflation and increasing education costs, as illustrated above.

Saving part of our current income seems to be the only way to provide the education fund. The only problem is that we must have enough time to earn. Should our time run out earlier than expected, we can only count on whatever that's accumulated, plus some interests. Thankfully, we could use a "special account" that guantee the desired funds even if your time runs outs. All you need to do is to transfer your regular savings into our account, and see it grow.

Some useful references

Singapore to get its 5th and 6th universities

"The schools were chosen because they work closely with industry and focus on applied degrees" - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced at the National Day Rally on Sunday night that both the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and UniSIM would become universities. SIT will expand places and begin awarding degrees while UniSIM will add full-time programmes.

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Room for more graduates
"By 2020, as much as 50 per cent of each cohort will enter university."


  1. Indeed in school, we were not taught how to manage our finance. We are told to earn to provide. However, as the world is getting richer, we need our children to start to be financially savvy. This might helps:

  2. What every Singapore parents must know for their precious little ones.

  3. "Financial Fitness in your 30s." (Good analogy) Question is will our children have the financial muscle to survive in their world to come?


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