Not to associate with the unwise,
To associate with the wise,
And to honour those who are worthy of honour.
This is the highest blessing.
To reside in a suitable locality,
To have done meritorious actions,
And to follow the right way.
This is the highest blessing.
Great Learning, perfect skill,
Excellent moral discipline,
And pleasant speech.
This is the highest blessing.
To support one's father and mother,
To care for one's wife and children,
And to have a peaceful occupation.
This is the highest blessing.
Generosity, Good Conduct,
Helping relatives,
And blameless action.
This is the highest blessing.
To cease from doing unwholesome actions,
To avoid intoxicants,
And to be steadfast in virtue.
This is the highest blessing.
Reverence, humility,
Contentment and gratitude,
And timely hearing of the Dharma.
This is the highest blessing.
Patience, receptivity to advice,
Meeting with the members of the Order.
And Dharma discussion at appropriate times,
This is the highest blessing.
Self-control, leading a religious life.
Understanding the Noble Truths,
And the attainment of Nirvana.
This is the highest blessing.
He whose mind is not disturbed by worldly conditions,
Sorrowless, pure and secure,
This is highest blessing.
To those who fulfill these conditions,
Who are everywhere unconquerable,
Who in every way move happily,
These are the highest blessings.