People buy life insurance because they care about someone, organisation like a school, college, temple, church or a charity group or because they owe someone.
Many people tend to treat life insurance as an expense to be minimized. I view life insurance as an asset to be optimized within the context of your overall financial situation.
Life insurance can create a fortune for your family. It can help to create a fortune to supplement your own retirement income. When you have created a fortune, life insurance can save that fortune being devastated by estate taxes (if any, subject current tax law) and related costs.
Many people tend to treat life insurance as an expense to be minimized. I view life insurance as an asset to be optimized within the context of your overall financial situation.
Life insurance can create a fortune for your family. It can help to create a fortune to supplement your own retirement income. When you have created a fortune, life insurance can save that fortune being devastated by estate taxes (if any, subject current tax law) and related costs.